Strive for Pride

Ryburn's first Pride week

From 30 April – 4 May, rainbow flags are flying all over Ryburn as the school celebrates its first ever Pride. The week was started by student leaders from the school’s new LGBTQ+ group, and has grown to encompass activities all around the school. Students and staff can make rainbows in a Science Club, wear rainbow laces in PE as part of Stonewall’s campaign against homophobia in sport, and enjoy a gender bending performance of songs from Broadway musicals in assembly. The week will culminate in a big Pride Festival party where students will join together to celebrate diversity.

Friday is 'Wear the Rainbow' - a non-uniform day where students are encouraged to wear bright colours to celebrate diversity and equality. We will be collecting voluntary donations in aid of Stonewall and Mermaids UK.

Sir Ian McKellan and author Juno Dawson have both sent the school messages of encouragement. Juno Dawson said, “Congratulations on your very first Pride Week! It is amazing to hear of schools celebrating the contribution and lives of LGBT+ students and I hope you have an amazing week.”

Mr Virot and Ms Logan, two of the teachers involved, said, “We're so proud of our school and students for organizing a Pride Week. To think that when we were at school, doing this would have been illegal under Section 28 really shows just how far we’ve come. It’s so important for people to feel accepted for who they are – no matter what their sexuality, gender, religion or background. This week is not just for our LGBTQ+ students, it’s about getting the whole school showing that we support equality, learning a bit about the issues affecting our peers, and having some fun together.”

