Looking After Your Mental Health During Exam Season

Tips for Looking After Your Mental Health

For our Year 11 and 13 students, exam season is upon them. With calendars filling up with deadline dates, it’s no surprise that students are feeling the pressure. A little stress can be good during these times, it helps with focus and motivation. However, too much stress can lead to negative impacts on mental health.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of tips and advice for taking care of your mental health during exam season.

Talk it out

When you are feeling stressed completing assignments or working on exams, it is important to be vocal and put words to what you are feeling. This will give you more perspective and friends, family and teachers might be able to offer you the support you need.

Make to-do lists

Put a list together of what you need to get done so you have a visual representation. That way you can better allocate your time to different tasks so that you don’t spend too much time on one thing. Physically ticking tasks off can be a great motivator too.

Include items outside of your studies too so that you remember to do other important things. If you struggle with lists, why not try a task manager application such as Asana?

Find a calming playlist

There are several studies that indicate that studying with music activates both sides of the brain which can enhance and improve your learning. It keeps everything interesting too and you can study in an environment more to your choosing. Why not try some classical music or a lofi beats playlist?

Set small goals

If you made yourself a to-do list, but it still feels daunting, break it down into bite-sized chunks so it comes across as more achievable. For example, if you have a lot of modules to cover for one subject, divide them up across your week.

Take Regular Breaks

Having regular breaks from your revision can actually improve your focus, as well as prevent fatigue and burnout. Studying for hours straight is not effective as we need rest to keep our creativity and motivation levels high.

Think of the Reward

Once your exams are over that’s it. You can enjoy your free time however you please. Envision the final end goal of having the Summer break free of revision and study.

Eat Healthily

It can be healthy to live on snacks, pizza and other unhealthy foods, but they actually tire you out more due to their low nutritional value. Make sure you are getting a balanced diet full of the right nutrients to look after your brain health.


It might feel like the last thing that you want to do, but keeping active releases lots of endorphins that can make you feel good. Even a few minutes up and about away from a desk can be really beneficial.


Contrary to the last tip, getting enough rest is important for your mental health and studying all night can have a negative impact. You might not even be taking the information in properly. Even if you feel your concentration is better in the evening, make sure you get the rest your mind needs beforehand.

We hope some of these tips help with your revising and we’re wishing all of our students the best of luck with their exams and coursework. If you want some more advice you can also check out our podcast ‘The Fix’. In our latest episode, Year 13 student Morgan talks with Mrs Logan about the importance of taking the time to talk about how you’re feeling, and how organising your time will give you the confidence to know that you have everything covered. You can find it wherever you get your podcasts or listen here.