Final week arrangements

We are offering all parents and carers the choice of either remote learning or in school learning for their child for the last week of summer term.

Due to the current high rates of infection in young people in the local community, and the very high numbers of bubble closures in school, we have decided to give students the opportunity to study remotely next week if parents wish for them to do so.

This has been a difficult year and we want all students, parents and staff to be able to start the summer holiday free from isolation and have a wonderful break, whilst aiming to maintain a high standard of continuous education for all.

A Response is required from PArents/Carers by Friday if you choose remote learning.

Please read on for more information.

Why have we made this decision?

Thank you to all our parents and carers for your support throughout the year and for your patience and understanding during the last few weeks. It has been a very difficult time in school due to a surge in local rates of Covid-19 and the subsequent increase in the number of positive cases.

Throughout this pandemic the school have worked very closely with Calderdale Public Health, following the strict guidelines for contact tracing and self-isolation.

At present, the rates in Calderdale stand at:

  • 11-to-16-year-old: 833 per 100,000 

  • 17-to-18-year-old: 1063 per 100,000

The number of students with a positive test result in the last three weeks at Ryburn have been very high, and as a result we have a large number of students self-isolating.  To put this in context, we have just 39% of students in attendance in school today. 

Many students have been required to isolate on several occasions, particularly due to the close contact rules regarding school transport. This has caused a great deal of disruption to their education, and to families lives, with many bubble closures taking place during the school day.

Calderdale Public Health have written to parents with an update on the local position - you can read this below.  In particular, page 3 of this letter has some useful updates regarding the changes from Monday. We have also liaised with the Assistant Director of Education who, along with the council, have fully supported the school with all decisions made.

What can you expect next week?

From Monday 19 July, the guidance for social distancing and face coverings is changing - although the requirement for close contacts (for both adults and children) of a positive case to self isolate for 10 days remains in place until at least 16 August. 

The operational guidelines for schools have been updated to reflect these changes, however, in reality, next week there will be little change in school. The guidelines state that Test and Trace will take responsibility for tracking positive cases in school. Given our current high rates, we will still need to work closely with Public Health to identify cases for the last week of term and the potential for additional bubble closures which would potentially impact your Summer break.

With all this in mind, we have been in discussion with Public Health and the Trustees of the Together Learning Trust to consider options for the last week of term. You may be aware that schools in many parts of the country finish this week, however, the majority of Calderdale schools do not close until Friday 23 July. 

Ryburn will be open as normal, however, the large majority of lessons will also be offered for remote learning either as a live lesson or via our home learning grid. Students attending school will follow the same timetable as usual, and staff will be in school teaching all lessons in class and simultaneously ‘live’ to students remotely at home.  Where a member of staff is absent, work will be set by the relevant department via the home learning grid.

We will continue to work with Public Health following any confirmation of a positive test and will contact trace in the last week of term as usual. Face coverings will no longer be mandatory, however we strongly recommend their use for everyone in school during the final week.

The core principle of education is that “schools have a duty to provide education the best way they can”. With this principle in mind we have made the decision that from Monday 19 July any parent who requests their child to access the remote learning from home for the final week of the Summer term will be able to do so.

A response is required

If you wish for your child to access school remotely next week, please complete the form below.

Please note:

  • If you do not complete the form, we will assume that your child will be in school.

  • By requesting permission to access the remote learning you are agreeing to your child fully participating in remote learning and completing the work set for all lessons during the school day. 

  • Attendance will be recorded and monitored for students at each lesson. If your child does not complete the work set or attend their live lessons, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. Where students attend live lessons it will be recorded as an authorised absence.

  • If your child has been asked to self isolate, or is asked to do so following tracing this week, they must continue to do so until the end of the self isolation period.

How to access remote learning

Live lessons can be accessed through a range of digital devices including laptops, tablets and games consoles. We will send an email out to all parents with further information.  Please see our Home Learning page for more information and to access the home learning grids.


  • If you have any technical difficulties please contact our IT helpdesk.

  • If for any reason you require support with home learning materials, for example if you are not sure which work you are meant to do, please contact

  • If your child does not have access to a suitable device at home please contact:

Enjoy the summer

This has been a demanding year and we want all students, parents and staff to be able to start the Summer holiday free from isolation and have a wonderful break. The changes to self isolation rules on 16 August fill us with hope for a less turbulent year from September, with a return to normality in the classroom.

School will close for the Summer break at 12:15pm on Friday 23 July; this will be a non-uniform day for all students in school.  We will also write to all parents next week with the arrangements for our September opening.

Thank you all for your continued support this year.